What We Do

Specific Areas of Expertise

We maximize business growth and vitality with processes that work closely with each client to provide customized, seamlessly integrated, in-depth market insights and growth solutions that reflect fresh, expert perspectives.

exceptional business, new product and marketing strategy development

Refine existing strategies or develop new growth strategies that position the business for sustainable long-term growth and vitality.

professional marketing and sales implementation support

Stand with clients all the way through marketing/sales planning and implementation, utilizing highly experienced marketing and sales professionals who work closely with your team to successfully execute while helping assure a seamless, timely transition to internal resources.

sophisticated, business-focused market research

We can engage research partners to implement quantitative or qualitative research that is guided by business and research objectives and delivers actionable recommendations.

Marketing Agency or Dynamic Insights?

That's a choice many clients typically face. Do you hire a marketing or advertising agency that promises to provide business and/or marketing strategy along with all the execution, or do you start with Dynamic Insights? We think the answer is simple. You begin with Dynamic Insights and make sure you have the best resources to create a winning plan, then look for the right set of resources to execute the plan. If you are wondering how to differentiate the strategic and brand building expertise of a marketing agency versus Dynamic Insights, ask both what business they have run, or what brands they have managed. Dynamic Insights consultants have led and managed very large and smaller businesses, while also having managed start-up to huge global brands.

Working With Us

We start with a conversation. We listen to objectives and challenges. We prod and ask questions. We help people think about issues and implications. If a good fit exists between a business’s needs and our capabilities, we follow-up with a written proposal indicating work we could conduct, a timeline, and pricing options. We have no hidden fees. Mutual interest and transparency drive our process.

Some of our Growth Planning & Implementation Processes

sustainable strategic plan development

Refocus and reinvigorate your business using a fresh market-driven perspective, including marketing plan review or development.

strengthen and solidify brand positioning

The best way to improve brand equity using market driven data and experienced brand experts.

marketing and sales plan development, implementation support and mentoring

Engage a team of highly accomplished business-accelerator practitioners to manage and coach business growth.

Tailored options

For every type of project, we can provide support in various ways. We work with clients to determine which support option(s) best fit their needs.

strategy development

Some clients have a need for deeper strategic work. In these we work with clients to conceptually examine a wide range of potential market and business issues, will immerse ourselves in their business, and provide a strong set of business, marketing and strategic recommendations along with implementation plans that building off this current business direction.

This service is most useful to company leaders who have internal marketers with strong implementation abilities and seek an outside perspective for strategy.


This support can be coupled with research and strategy development or can be provided as a stand-alone option. Implementation support involves providing an experienced marketing expertise to work part-time with a company, typically over a period of time, to help train/mentor the internal team members, work with external agencies/partners on aligned executions and/or lead the execution for you.

This service is most useful to businesses that face new market opportunities and desire support for implementation.

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